First project from Frontend Mentor
- React
- javascript
- tailwind
Frontend Mentor is a site that provides professionally designed practice projects for developers. This is my first go at one of their projects. It's built with React and Tailwind.
Frontend Mentor is a site that provides professionally designed practice projects for developers. This is my first go at one of their projects. It's built with React and Tailwind.
Some libraries for common components like modals that are tricky to execute well.
This week and last week, I checked in with some of my “mentors” to get a sense of how I’m coming along and what I need to be doing next. Looks like I’m fairly on track with most of my goals.
Made some good progress on the menu app last week.
Began a new project last week.
Really it’s the expansion of a project I had previously conceived and started as a vanilla JS project, but I am expanding and rebuilding it as a React project.
An alternative to StyledComponents for styling React apps.
This week has been a return to some React fundamentals. I had gone through many of the common “React for beginners” type material, but I felt like there were some things I had largely forgotten since I hadn’t really needed them in what I had been working on.
Beautiful type is important.
I’ve been stumbling across some great resources lately, and keep thinking “I need to remember this site!”
Still trying to complete the Linden Project website. The bulk of it is done, but I still need to tie up some lose ends.
Haven’t quite been able to get back to weekly updates, but I’ve still been busy.
I clearly dropped the ball my weekly updates. But I’ve been busy nonetheless. So this is the start of…
Forgot to do a post last week… what did I accomplish??
Entering week 10…
Last week I worked my way through the freeCodeCamp Javascript sections on Object Oriented Programming and Functional Programming.
This week started a closer look at object oriented programming in Javascript. I completed the freeCodeCamp section on object oriented programming and watched a few great YouTube introductions to the concept as well in order to get the concepts covered thoroughly.
Took week 7 off for a little family time. Not a whole lot of relaxing went on. Instead I spent a few days building a playhouse for the kids.
I started and (sort of) completed a few more mini-projects to keep building my familiarity with JS and practice a development workflow.
Not to much time spent coding so far this week. This week was clean up my basement dungeon/office.
Last week I started coding a To Do List with HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript.
I’ve got my tax calculator in working order. All the calculations are working as expected, I just have to finish the styling.
I’ve built quite a few websites in the past, but I’ve never used GitHub.
I’m quite proud of the life my wife and I have built as freelance singers and voice teachers. We have a thriving voice studio that has had a steady inflow of students, we started a recital series that’s been well recieved by the community and continues to grow, and we’ve been able to buy a little house with a garden in Hamilton where we’re raising our two crazy kids. For the most part, our lives are pretty stable and predictable.
But as with any freelance career it comes with a certain amount of uncertainty.